Jatt Mood Lyrics


Lyrics of Jatt Mood: The song is recorded by Himmat Sandhu from album Sandhu Saab. “Jatt Mood” is a Happy (Feel Good) song, composed by Ladi Singh, with lyrics written by Himmat Sandhu.

"Jatt Mood" Song Details:

Album/Label: Sandhu Saab
Singer(s):Himmat Sandhu
Lyricist(s):Himmat Sandhu
Music Director(s):Ladi Singh
Genre(s):Happy (Feel Good)
Music Label:© Himmat Sandhu
Release on:21st July, 2020

Jatt Mood Lyrics – Himmat Sandhu

Pare ho ja chedna ni jatt aaj
Ho pare ho ja chedna ni jatt aaj
Ho pare ho ja chedna ni jatt aaj mood ch ae
Ho pare ho ja chedna ni jatt aaj
Ho pare ho ja chedna ni jatt aaj mood ch ae

Oh paunde si scheman oh kehde ho gaye
Kyonki yaar ohni pehlan nalo bhede ho gaye

Oh paunde si scheman oh kehde ho gaye
Kyonki yaar ohni pehlan nalo bhede ho gaye
Oh jehdi uthi neri jatt de kharoor ch ae
Oh jehdi uthi neri jatt de kharoor ch ae

Pare ho ja chedna ni jatt aaj mood ch ae
Pare ho ja chedna ni jatt aaj
Pare ho ja chedna ni jatt aaj mood ch ae

Aakhde si jina kolon jatt darda
Thaapi vajje ton mure khada kath darda
Aakhde si jina kolon jatt darda
Thaapi vajje ton mure khada kath darda
Oh rehn de tu bhed na khol di rakane tera
Jatt aaj pure feel rude ch ae
Pare ho ja

Pare ho ja chedna ni jatt aaj mood ch ae
Pare ho ja chedna ni jatt aaj
Pare ho ja chedna ni jatt aaj mood ch ae

Oh saade siron pur ge rakane vairi dealan ni
Photoan te vechde si jehde saale reelan ni
Oh saade siron pur ge rakane vairi dealan ni
Photoan te vechde si jehde saale reelan ni
Oh agg nal tunya paya ae tera yaar
Bhari kalli kalli line ni barood ch

Pare ho ja chedna ni jatt aaj mood ch ae
Pare ho ja chedna ni jatt aaj
Pare ho ja chedna ni jatt aaj mood ch ae
Pare ho ja chedna ni jatt aaj mood ch ae

Ho jupi sunde aa jehdeyan nu
Baiye chette aaunde aa
Aa gallan sun chadne jo taiye aaunde aa

Ho jupi sunde aa jehdeyan nu
Baiye chette aaunde aa
Aa gallan sun chadne jo taiye aaunde aa
Oh mehnti aa sandhu kare benti na sandhu
Kida mahal khada up vale bhoor chae

Pare ho ja chedna ni jatt aaj mood ch ae
Pare ho ja chedna ni jatt aaj
Pare ho ja chedna ni jatt aaj mood ch ae
Pare ho ja chedna ni jatt aaj mood ch ae

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